Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gnome Homes For Rent

The other day we checked out the book “Gnomes” by Rein Poortvliet and Wil Nuygen. It is all you could ever want to know about gnomes. One area we focused our studies on was how a gnome build his home. He starts building the home 15-20 years before he is married. He looks for where moss is growing and for a secret entrance. We have a ton of trees in our back yard and the boys and I talked about how cool it would be for us to have a whole gnome city in our backyard.

My oldest thought we should make some doors for all the places we thought would be nice gnome homes so maybe a wandering gnome might find our yard appealing.

So we spent a day gathering stuff to make our doors with. Sticks, rocks, nut shells, leaves, etc… We painted some of the sticks to add some color.
We also made some decorations using some clay you bake in the oven. We made some door knobs, windows, hinges, etc. This took a few days for us because we just kept getting distracted with some other things we needed to do.
I had my husband cut up some thin plywood into rectangles that I had painted with a cream colored paint. Once that was done with glue stick in hand we were ready to decorate.
These are a few we came up with.

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